
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (155) Maybe It Was Too Easy

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-01-20 15:51
Horndew Lodge, Amber Creek, Falskaar

field with many leaves and two hens in front of a farmhouse, crops further ahead, partially cloudy sky
Kunnari's Farm near my house.

I rush through the local traders as quickly as I can. That includes Helena from Audmund's Farm who is selling her wares on the Amber Creek marketplace.

She hasn't been doing good business today. The main street is still lined with dead bodies and everyone who can is staying indoors.
several dead bodies lie on the village street, wooden houses on both sides, blue sky
Yeah, Rangarr is not afraid of anything.  :-)

Helena is really interesting to talk to. We discuss her life at the farm and the goings-on in Skyrim until my followers join us and I notice it's getting on 6 in the evening.

We set out once again towards the only existing mountain pass.

On the eastern side of the mountains, it's cloudy.

Rather than take the highway that goes past Borvald, I prefer to run through the forests north of the river. Where the river turns south-southeast, we do the same:

We arrive in the appointed place a little before 7. Too impatient to even wait for my greeting, Agnar urges us to follow them into the fortress dungeon:

The next moment, he and his men are going in and we follow them.

As always, I have little faith in the jarl and his men's fighting abilities. That's why it's very irritating that not only do they block our shots in narrow passages, they actually grab us by the arms and prevent us from going forward ahead of them. Especially Brother Thorlogh gets much too patronizing. Now, I couldn't care less if the murderer Svegard got himself killed, but Jarl Agnar simply can't afford to risk his life, no matter how dishonorable he may be. It's grossly irresponsible towards his people who rely on his leadership. But obviously there's no way for me to make him realize that.

You'll be glad to hear, though, that we all survive, moving from room to room with a few bandits in each. Some enemies want to surrender, but we cut them all down. I kill two or three myself. They kidnapped Jalma and Wilhard. There shall be no mercy.

Eventually, we reach a large cage with familiar faces inside.

So, the first part of our mission has been a sweeping success. Is it possible that we were lured here? I'm keeping that thought to myself.

The jarl's men barricade the door that leads to the main exit. I'm explained that due to the unusual design of this place, we are now cut off from the main part of the fortress. There may be some bandits left here in this section, but the ones in the other sections or outside won't be able to get to us in any other way than by breaking through that barricade or finding the way to the sewer we used.

Unfortunately, the door to Jalma and Wilhard's cage can't be opened. Agnar orders me and my followers to have a look around and see if we can find a key somewhere, while he and his men try to force the door open.

I inform him we're going to get some sleep on the mats we saw in a nearby room. Agnar is not happy with it, but apparently realizes he can't prevent us from resting. Either that, or he simply resigns to the "fact" that women are weak and unreliable.

next awakening

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