
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (141) Taking Crazy Chances

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-01-06 08:27
Arch-Mage's Quarters, Winterhold, Winterhold, Skyrim

Pretending not to notice Onmund's hard-on, I jump out of the bed and get dressed as if I was in a great hurry. While we go downstairs, I ask Onmund about the amulet, but he just repeats that cock and bull story about it being a valuable family heirloom. When I point out it shouldn't matter, because he's fallen off big time with his family, he mumbles something inconclusive and I end up none the wiser. You don't need to tell me my tactics was completely wrong. I don't know what went into me. I'll try not to bungle it the next time.

I go to the library to somehow clear my confused mind. I ask Ertzebet how it's going with Alec. She says it's not going at all. She suspects he has a girlfriend. This sounds serious, but my brain is really not working this morning, so I just say a few words of generic consolation and almost turn to go and then remember at the last moment:
"Ertzebet, who was Magnus?"
"Magnus is the god of magic."
Ah. Okay. Not too surprising, really. "Is it his statue in the College courtyard?"
"No, that's Shalidor, the first Arch-Mage of the College."
"Shalidor? I have a vague memory of someone saying that he established Winterhold."
"Yes and no. He established the College, and Winterhold emerged around it over time. So, in a way, you could say he got the city started."
I already know this place used to be a real city. Well, I got my answers, even though not any clarity about my relationship with Onmund. But I've done enough chatting for this morning. I have things to do. So I try my best to assure Ertzebet I'm sure she will figure her relationship stuff out soon, and then I head for Septimus Signus's Outpost to bring him the Lexicon.
large blocks of ice on ocean surface, a hill with a cave entrance ahead, a small boat on the left
I think I mentioned the last time that the way from Winterhold to Septimus Signus's Outpost
goes almost entirely over massive blocks of ice. Now, in daylight, I can show you what they look like.

I didn't bother to take my followers along this time either, and to tell you the truth, I shouldn't have gone at all. That's because I learn Septimus serves Hora and indeed Hora Himself makes His appearance. Septimus informs me that he won't be able to open that Dwemer thing he's working on without some elven blood – in fact, a small amount from each kind of elves. Hora urges me to get it for him. I promise I will and waste no time returning to Winterhold.

Now Jenassa has turned up as well, shining with joy. Looks like you've found your happiness here, Jenassa. I guess you don't care about coming with us to Summerset at all? Jenassa insists she wants to come. I know I was being nasty, but I just don't understand how she can endure that jerk Nelacar.

Anyway, we hold hands and I cast the spell and a few moments later we're in the Shimmerene Mages' Guild. We walk around a little, talking to people.
large poorly lit hall, a Khajiit man wearing a brown hooded robe in the foreground
That's the Khajiit student I mentioned the last time. I want him. Quillinda has told me his name is Dulizar.

In the large hall (behind the foyer where Quillinda works), I'm astonished to discover that it's not a hall at all. It's a courtyard with no roof. I can't believe I failed to notice it the last time!

However, there's something not quite right with this place. How can the sky be cloudy if the sun is shining when we exit through the front door a quarter of an hour later? Mages' College, forsooth!

Whatever. We leave for the northwest to get that book Quillinda wanted. The nature is as lovely as ever. On our way to our destination, Tusamircil's Passage, I intend to stop at Meutaniil which is about halfway there. That'll be the place where we need to get the rare ingredient called Mort Flesh  that's supposed to somehow help Bolwing in turning the dog-king Celamir back into a human being.

Part of our way, we run along the northern coast of a big lake.
small crabs on yellow sand on the lakeshore, spruces and small village further ahead, blue sky
This family of crabs is not trying to attack us.
Generally, the fauna of Summerset tends to be less bloodthirsty than Skyrim's.
But that is more than compensated by the fierceness of the walking skeletons and the wandering mages.

Right next to the sandy beach is a small Orc village Malacath. (You can see it in the background in the picture above.) It has no defense wall, just a couple of huts near a shrine of Malacath.
Laura and Lydia stand facing a very tall Orc woman in armor, a small wooden structure in the background
That's one tall woman!
Her name is Ghak.

They are not interested in exchanging gossip with us, so we just leave them to their simple life and move on.

When we approach Meutaniil, I see a group of pahmars lazing in the sun. I know they're supposed to be savage in Summerset, but they're so beautiful I can't just start shooting at them. I approach cautiously and then they notice me and attack.

They're all over us and they're so many and they're quick. We kill them all and all of us survive, but it was one bad mess.

Meutaniil itself is a smallish system of caves and passages. There are some skeletons as well as ghastly corpse-like creatures called liches.

An the end is an actual room with doors, inhabited by a female mage and an extremely tough magical creature called Mogul.
room in a rock cave with a wooden floor, protagonist aiming bow at a skeleton-like humanoid in a brown robe
My hand and bow look like this because I've been hit with frost magic.

It takes us a long time to kill him and then we get our Mort Flesh.

We proceed westwards. As we're about to reach a road that goes to the north along the eastern bank of a river, we see a volley of what appear to be ice spikes flying through the air. Some of them hit a man who is running at some distance.

I'm curious to find out who are those two glowing creatures a little farther. Sneaking closer with utmost caution, I suddenly get hit real bad from behind. I had completely forgotten to watch out for whoever had been attacking that man! There seem to be two mages, and even though I use Health potions, they bring me very close to death. One really can't be too careful when traveling in Summerset! I'm very lucky that my followers are as alert as always.

This is one of those devastating mages:
naked elven woman lies dead in high grass with one arrow between her eyes and another one in her side
Maybe she attacked that man because he had refused to marry her? If so, I can't blame him.  ;-)

I look back up the hill. The curious creatures have apparently left. I can hardly blame them.

We proceed along the road and across the bridge you can see in the picture below to the western bank and arrive in a small town named Ebon. Jenassa has heard about an ancient city of Ebon Stadmont in the middle of Summerset. The first local we see, a guard, confirms that this town is what's left of that old city.

It's got a formidable defense wall and a dozen houses, most of them built right into the fortifications.

There are lots of people around doing various kinds of work and none of them wants to chat with us. I finally find a Merchant Hall where I can shop some, and a woman named Lorchel fills me in about the goings-on.

Among other things, she mentions there's a house on sale and I should talk to Lord Elberoth if I'm interested. Then I meet a tall man Yassanaro (or, come to think of it, most men are remarkably tall on this island and women aren't very short either), who says he's "a bit of a scholar" and asks me to locate a book for him that he lost. This seems to be a really book-loving country, unlike Skyrim.

I proceed to the next building which is called the Great Hall. There I get to make the acquaintance of aforementioned Lord Elberoth who is all engrossed in writing something, maybe a book. He says he has no proper house for sale, only a Grove Dwelling. Yeah, fine, I'll take it.

On my way out, my eye falls onto something amazing:

Good gracious! How do I get an outfit like that? I'm about to ask her, but then I think better of it. Maybe such stylish clothing is common here and my excitement would reveal that I come from some kind of a tatterland, which would be embarrassing. I'd better look around in Summerset some more. Apart from which, I'm eager to go and see the "dwelling" I've bought.

It's essentially a large apartment built into a hill near the river. Not only is it beautiful, roomy and properly lighted, it even has facilities for alchemy and enchanting. I'm not bothered the slightest by some plants growing right inside it. They remind me a little of Elisdriel.

By now it's gotten too dark to go anywhere. While the girls prepare our supper, I read a few books I've picked up today, including one most fascinating one about the dragon language – you know, those symbols written on word walls.

After dinner, we figure we'd better go and see if we can find some unattached men. Those of us who can't can come and sleep here.

Well, I end up sleeping at home. Most people seem to work really late here, and that includes Yassanaro whom I actually fancy. Lydia decides to try a Khajiit man (so she and I can exchange impressions later, or at least that's her excuse) and I'm not sure whom Jordis went with. Someone at the Great Hall, I think. Jenassa still seems to be too happy from having been with her jerk in Winterhold. She shares my bed tonight. We don't do anything, just hug each other good night.

next awakening

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