
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (268) Fly to Your Grave

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

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4-202-05-14 06:48
Uthgerd's House, Hviterun, Whiterun, Skyrim

We head east. The weather is still bad and the bandit on the road in front of Valtheim kind of rubs me the wrong way, so I not only kill her, but lead my followers inside and kill the bandits there as well. The sun comes out briefly. There is actually a large bed here and as much privacy one can ask for, so maybe we'll return here for our sex orgy the day after tomorrow?

Running towards the Hillgrund's Tomb, we get one more shower of rain, but by the time we reach the path up the mountain, the sun has come out again.

The path leads to an ancient-Nordic-looking ruin. In the small vestibule is a young man who seems very unhappy.

He introduces himself as Golldir. This is the tomb of his family, and when he heard his aunt Agna came here all alone, he rushed here but heard horrible voices from inside and doesn't dare go in all alone.

Okay. Let's have a look.

This is your usual draugr dungeon, not a very big one, but the draugrs are the fiercest we've ever seen. I get hurled across rooms and even knocked unconscious twice, and that is in spite of wearing high-grade Resist Shock  gear. It's sheer horror.

We find Golldir's aunt Agna's dead body. Why did the draugrs kill her if she was their relative? Because an evil mage, the enemy of Agna and Golldir's family, has settled down in this tomb, Golldir explains. He even has a Dragon Priest with him.

We kill them by the end, and we survive, including Golldir. But it was a terrible experience. More strongly than ever, I feel I must stop putting my followers into danger like this. We will do the Mzulft quest, because they stole books from the Winterhold College library, and that's something you don't to to my College. But after that, it may be a good idea to have a few weeks' rest before Lydia's birthday and my journey home.

Once we're back in the fresh air (see the picture above), we look for a way uphill all the same, because it would be interesting to try and find that mountain fortress I saw in my recent dream. But it doesn't seem to be possible to reach it from here. So we travel to Darkwater.

We do some socializing and then relax in the warm outdoors pool with the villagers of both sexes. I'm curious to see if Ghorbash will be able to avoid getting a hard-on. He is, actually. Maybe he feels self-conscious in a new situation like this, maybe he is apprehensive because of the dragon whom we can see flying back and forth in the distance, or maybe he keeps thinking intensely about something very unerotic.

rear view of a naked man sitting on a stone ledge in an outdoors pond with green water
Ulfvidr seems to be spending more time here than in his shop.

I ask the locals if they have some kind of an agreement with the dragon. They say they don't and in fact they're wondering why he attacks only very rarely. Maybe he watches the Windhelm–Riften highway and therefore can't be bothered with this village where people are used to taking cover quickly.

Two hours later, at about six in the evening, I notice that Ghorbash has gotten an erection after all. I suggest maybe we should leave for Mzulft and spend the night in Northkeep.

After we've washed with Dwemer Soap, says Lydia.

Of course, Dwemer Soap! I would have completely forgotten it.

We go to a geysir a little farther and wash ourselves. Then we put on our armors while I warn Ghorbash that we may run past a giant but he's not aggressive and in fact he's our friend, so Ghorbash has to just run past him and in fact escape if necessary, but not attack him under any circumstances. We all run much faster than a giant. Bears, on the other hand, are very dangerous in this area and are to be attacked without hesitation.

Once again we give the bandit castle a wide berth. We do discover a Ruined Fort with two walking skeletons, though.

Running away from a bear, I wave hello to Billy and then we still end up having to kill two bears. On the road, we meet the trader Althea with her bodyguards, and then we run up the stairs towards Mzulft.

We start searching in the Dwarven Storeroom which, as you may remember, is somewhat away from the main compound. We find the remains of a human eaten by spiders. I can't even begin to imagine how painful and revolting it must have been. But he's way beyond help, or even identification.

Fortunately, the spiders haven't eaten a key and some notes that lead us to the whereabouts of a locked chest from which we find four books on Falmers.

By the way, where have all the spiders gone? Well, never mind, let's get out of here.

All we learn from the books is that there should be Falmers living in Alftand, which we already knew. I'm staying with my decision to not pursue this Falmer quest any further. I'll just return the books to Urag. But that can wait. We're on our way to the south right now, so we head for Vernim Wood where we catch a market trader still at work and hear some local news. Then we run to Shor under the most spectacular starry sky.

A little after ten, we reach Riften. I have little doubt Madesi will want sex. That's why I give Jordis the key to our house (assuming Lydia will stay with Maul at his new room in the palace) and go straight to the Black-Briar Manor where Madesi lives now. He is at home and very happy to see me.

next awakening