This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-11-10 06:47
Frostfruit Inn, Roriksted, Whiterun, Skyrim
After a bath, a very busy day awaits me. I don't mean that stupid dragon I have to kill right after breakfast. I'm talking about working on our gear and the stuff we've brought back from our battles. Our loot contains a bow that is slightly more powerful than the three identical ones my followers have been using. It has an enchantment that is supposed to lift the target off the ground and make him incapable to fight for a few minutes. I'm eager to see it in action. It's called Daedric Bow of Levitation and the local blacksmith Ulfvaldr tells me it's incredibly expensive. (But I'm not going to sell it any time soon.)
Most importantly, I do some serious enchanting. As you may remember, the Khajiit woman S'kasha has an Arcane Enchanter in her alchemy shop, and she is friendly enough to let me use it. In turn, she is going to make a very good profit on the potions I've looted and have no use for. So we're both happy.
I start with an Ebony Diamond Ring and put a 26% Resist Shock enchantment onto it. Shock damage has always been a major problem, as I've told you. The ring is of very curious black metal with a white stone and looks just perfect to wear when fighting draugrs.
Then I choose a ring with a beautiful light blue Moonstone and enchant it with Fortify Potions (that improves alchemy). I do the same with an amulet, and put an enchantment that increases both Archery and Sneaking on one pair of those awesome Vampire Boots of which I have several pairs. A few more improvements to our armor and then our group (Laura, Lydia, Jenassa, Jordis – just to remind you) is a little more deadly than before and ready to continue taking on whatever fate may throw at us.
It's past 4 in the afternoon when we're finally ready to depart. I decide not to replace one of my girls with Erik this time. I wouldn't mind making love to him, though, but I don't want to waste time on that now. There'll be just about enough time to comfortably visit Rebel's Cairn in daylight, then clear out the probably remanned Broken Tower Redoubt and reach Karthwasten for the night.
In Rebel's Cairn, I put that Red Eagle Sword onto the pedestal. That causes a passage to open in the back of the cave. It leads us to a large hall where a Dragon Priest and a few skeletons come to life. It's a little scary, but not really dangerous. We get some loot and that's it.

That's Red Eagle in the coffin. I'm not sure who he was, but his is the legendary sword we captured from the forns yesterday.
I hope we killed him well enough so he'll now be able to rest in peace forever.
I hope we killed him well enough so he'll now be able to rest in peace forever.
On our way out, I take the sword back from the pedestal, just in case it might come handy somehow, or at least sellable. And, of course, to close the secret door and keep pryers away from Red Eagle's final resting place.
At quarter to seven, we reach the Broken Tower Redoubt. This time we approach from the south, meaning from a high plateau. The fortress is far below us and the descent is a bit precarious, but I'm having a million-septim sniping position. The unfortunate woman who stands guard on the rampart between the two towers overlooking the road down below just doesn't stand a chance.
We kill half a dozen forns on the ramparts, but the interior is completely deserted. We don't know why. My best hypothesis is that after we had robbed them of their sybil, they felt that the castle had been desecrated and decided to only guard it from the outside but no longer use the inside. But I'm only guessing. You'll have to go and ask them forns if you want to know for sure.

That one was just working with the grindstone and didn't have a care in the world.
I had half the mind to tap her on the shoulder saying "Excuse me, there's a battle on."
I had half the mind to tap her on the shoulder saying "Excuse me, there's a battle on."
At any rate, we have now killed 86 forns. Just 14 more and Rayya has been properly avenged.
At half past 8, it's already dark, but Karthwasten is not far, we know the way and we'll only have to travel by road. I'm very happy with our successful day. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind a man now. That would make my day absolutely perfect. (You may say I would have one if I had hired Erik when I had the chance earlier today. Shut up, please.)
In Karthwasten, I let the girls go to the inn while I find Lash and give her Gharol's sword. She understands it contains the message "Don't come back." She thanks me and asks to be left alone. Whatever. Strange people, those Orcs.
At the inn, I see Lydia, Jordis and Jenassa in the company of men around a corner table that is much too small for all of them, let alone me. I sit down at the counter to have a little think. As I open my mouth to address the barmaid Eleonora, I hear some kind of a commotion. Turning my head, I notice a man with red hair has taken the seat next to me. A quick glance around the room testifies that apparently several men had the same idea. I turn back and exchange a grin with Eleonora.
My companion's name is Vegard and I must say he quite tickles my fancy. While not exactly an engrossing conversation partner, he's the kind of guy whom you can trust to attack ten men to protect you. Not that I need any protection here, I just meant to say that even though Vegard doesn't prance around with a lamppost-sized broadsword, he's got the kind of primordial brutal masculinity I find very arousing.
Unsurprisingly, he has plans with me. I don't mind.
The only question is where we should go. This little inn is not only packed with people, the doors don't close properly either. Vegard suggests one of the mines. There should be no one there at this hour. Indeed, the nearer mine is completely empty. No soft cushions, but it's warm and dry (the mine). Maybe I get a tiny bit too loud and maybe that causes Vegard to come a tiny bit too soon, but all in all it's a great experience to make my almost-perfect day completely perfect.
Then we return to the inn. I join the girls who have gone to sleep before me, which is unusual.
next awakening