
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (188) In Your Face

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-02-23 07:14
The Mer Inn, Granite Hall, Whiterun, Skyrim

I wake up when I'm turned onto my back. I open my eyes and see Mojarik climb on top of me. I spread my legs.

He actually takes enough time for me to reach orgasm too! This is amazing. When he begins to pull out, I whimper protestingly and pull at his body, and he remains lying op top of me.

Well, it would seem that our glorious Hammerfell expedition is over and all my thorough preparations have been in vain. Or should I go back there alone to hone my tactical skills? No, I'd better not. With the locals fighting each other, some allied with the Dominion and some not, I have no reason to stick my nose into that crazy mess.

I feel Mojarik's penis slowly slipping out of me as it has become completely soft. I give him a bright smile and kiss him passionately. Somehow the world seems a much better place this morning. I only hope I didn't make myself a complete laughingstock in the eyes of my followers with all those rules.

Yes, Mojarik, I understand you're expected on duty. I need to get dressed too and go and see how (or what) my followers are doing.

They're not doing anything. They're sleeping – with Jordis in Valdimar's bed and Lydia in the smaller one.

I leave quietly and go out. On the nearby marketplace, the traders haven't turned up yet, so I just exit the underground space in which the inn is and walk around in open air. The streets are beginning to fill with various people in hurry. After some pensive strolling, I notice Valdimar who seems to be looking for me. I ask him if he knows anything further about the political situation in Hammerfell.

He tells me Hammerfell used to belong to the Empire, but after the Great War, it was formally ceded to the Aldmeri Dominion. In reality, Hammerfell had already become independent, so Empire really just recognized the Dominion's claim on it.

We have been walking down the stairs towards the Morpork–Hviterun highway beyond which lies the river. I suddenly remember something.
"What about Morrowind? Many people in Skyrim say that it's no longer a part of the Empire, but that's not what I was told in Ravenrock."
He smiles slightly. "That's a little complicated. I mean, nothing in Morrowind is simple," (I smile too), "but to explain it in as few words as possible: Morrowind is formally a province of the Empire, but they are allowed to run their internal affairs as they please. We're not getting anything like taxes from them, for the simple reason the Empire hasn't got enough soldiers to force anything on Morrowind. In fact, we haven't been able to give them any assistance against those devastating Argonian raids down south."
"Yeah, some people insist that Black Marsh has already conquered Morrowind."
"Their state is called Argonia, but yes, that's what some people say. It's quite impossible, though. Argonia has neither the numeric strength nor the organization to overwhelm the entire Morrowind. But Morrowind is struggling. They are very much interested in being a part of the Empire. We have no serious points of conflict and they could use our help. I can imagine they're very happy that the Skyrim civil war is over."

We are standing on a slope with me a little higher so that our eyes on the same level. Without thinking, I take a step down so that I have to look up to him. I kind of feel more comfortable like this.
I put my hands on Valdimar's upper arms.
"You're so smart, Valdimar!" I look admiringly in his eyes trying in vain to find out what he's thinking about. "I can suck your dick if you want to."
"You will suck my dick tonight, Laura, and you won't excuse yourself with having a boyfriend in wherever we may be going."
"Okay." I can see how the limits between home mode and war mode are getting fuzzy, but it all seems rather silly and pointless now anyway.
After a few seconds of silence, Valdimar asks: "We're in war mode, aren't we?"
"It's all right," I hurry to assure him. "I will suck your dick..." I stop short of saying "when you will be able to" and say instead: "...tonight."
"No, I meant if I can ask you questions about rules rather than being a man who tells you what to do."
"Sure, go ahead."
"What you said about hating to get sexually embarrassed even in front of other women – does that include doing something with me when another woman can see it?"
"To tell you the truth, in front of Lydia and Jordis, I can do anything. With everything we've been through together, there's nothing to be embarrassed of... I think. But I would feel awful if you as much as grabbed my butt in front of strangers."
"Are you saying Lydia and Jordis have seen you suck dick?"
"I'm not sure." I try to remember. "Maybe a little. It's only once Lydia and I have been in bed together with a man, and Jordis was not with us that time. I guess I sucked the guy a little when Lydia was seeing it, but not all the way."
"How many men have you had sex with, Laura?"
"Don't ask."
"I can tell you how many women I've had in turn."
"No, please don't tell me. I don't want to know."
Valdimar raises his eyebrows.
I try to explain: "Whenever I am with a man, I want to feel special and I want him to feel special."
"Oh! I almost forgot what I actually started to ask you."
"What's that?"
"When I'm going to fuck your mouth tonight, would it be too embarrassing if Lydia and Jordis saw it?"
"No." I wonder if I ought to tell Valdimar I've had lesbian group sex with Lydia and Jordis. Then I think better of it. "You have spent two nights with the two of them anyway, so when they witness the two of us being intimate, it'll be no problem."
"Got it."
"But I'll be the only one sucking your dick, and I'm going to suck it all the way to the end."
"Yes, that's how I had planned on doing it."
"Good. I'm glad we've been thinking along the same lines." I quickly look left and right. Then I hug Valdimar and reach up to kiss him. He bends his head down and we kiss, and I fondle his butt, and then he fondles mine, and then he squeezes me with his strong arms until I can hardly breathe, but I don't make any sound of discomfort because I feel I'm in absolute safety. A hug like this a day and there's nothing in the world that can throw me off balance. I close my eyes and feel I'll come if this goes on for a few more minutes.
Suddenly Valdimar lets go of me and says "They're coming."
Who? How? Oh, he meant Lydia and Jordis have found us. Fine. Guess we're all set to go now.

Yeah, the only question is "where?"

I invite my followers to sit down for a while. How about we go to Solitud, and then Winterhold and Windhelm? Although we didn't really achieve anything in Hammerfell, I feel we have to tell Tullius what we did see. He needs to send an army down there. Or maybe somewhere else. I'm going to put that war out of my mind. It's clearly too big for us.
And once in Winterhold, we'll take Jenassa back, and Valdimar can return to Hviterun and inform Jarl Balgruuf about the situation while we proceed to Windhelm and give Yrsarald the same information, as well as find out when passing through Amol City if they've still got the Staff of Magnus  or possibly whom they sold it to. From there, we'll travel to Bitchen and see how they're doing. As long as nothing goes terribly wrong, we'll then have wrapped up the civil war and can focus on having some fun again.
While thinking out loud like that, it all becomes clear to me and there isn't really anything to discuss. Let's go!

Mr. Siika Castle is on our route. I'm about to run past, but then I think of dropping in to check if the horse is all right. It is. I wonder if Tullius's soldiers in Fort Masser next door have enough brains to feed this animal occasionally. Did we tell them? Yes, we did, says Lydia, don't worry. Good. Let's move on then.

As we begin our descent towards Roriksted, a rain unlike any other I've ever experienced begins.

We're soaked in a matter of seconds. In fact we're so wet I'm getting worried lightnings could hit us. And there are many of them.

We enter the Roriksted shop, more to recover from the shower shock, although I do buy a couple of things. After that, there's no escaping that infernal weather until Dragonbridge. Yeah, I forgot the shop there is closed. So we travel all the way to Solitud with water running down our absolutely everything. We could jump into the sea and come out again, and no one could tell the difference.

Once in the city, we go home and change (the rain has already ceased) and then check out the inn. I walk up to that chick Carlina who speaks weirdly.

She looks kind of troubled and finally admits she needs help with something. She asks me to visit a Cave of Borea northeast of Hviterun, and says she's sorry she can't tell me anything more at this time. All right, I'll go and take a look at it someday.

After a little chat with the nice bard Lisette and a visit to Sayma's shop, I feel strong (and dry) enough to go up to the fortress. I'm taking the girls with me this time.

Tullius is as nasty as ever. I report on what we saw in the Dragonstar area. Pardon me if I don't go into the details. I really don't want to dwell upon talking to that man.

I see my boyfriend Hadvar's commanding officer and he confirms that Hadvar has already left for Riverwood, as I had thought he would by now.

I let my followers walk around alone now while I go to the temple. The priest's assistant Silana informs me that Rorlund is not there, but he's somewhere in the city. Fortunately, I run into him on my way to the jarl's palace. He tells me he's busy right now, but I should see him in the temple in an hour or two. Great. Thanks.

After making sure I've told Elisif, Sybille, Bryling and Falk everything I told Tullius, I drop in the Bards' College on my way back to the temple. There are several teachers and students busy discussing (to not say dissecting) finer aspects of poetry and singing. Hardly anyone can be bothered to take notice of me.

I happen to find out there's a copy of the book which Lami of Morthal wanted to have. It's in plain view of people walking back and forth, so I can't just take it, and I can't figure out whom I would have to ask if they would possibly let me have it. It's not that awfully important anyway and I have enough other things on my mind, so I just walk out again.

The priest Rorlund has time for me now. He listens to me most attentively. He says he'll pray to the gods to give me my memory back. He asks which one of the eight gods I feel most closely connected to. Well, that would be Dibella. That's good, he says, because Dibella has many shrines in various parts of Skyrim. When I come across one, I ought to spend some time there – not so much praying as taking a break from all my worldly affairs, as well as other people. I should sit down in a comfortable place somewhere not too far from the altar for a couple of hours, and just let my thoughts wander, idly watching the ground and the trees and the animals. Do I know that men get their life energy from the sky and women from the earth, he asks. Yes, I know that. So, he instructs me to imagine unity with the earth beneath me and everything on its surface, but not be too serious about it, just be aware of what's going on around me and give in to whatever impressions I may get from my surroundings. When I do that every now and then, my past will come back to me eventually.

I stand there mentally repeating his instructions to figure out if anything is unclear. I think nothing is. After a little silence, Rorlund tells me he'd like me to do him a favor.
Should I be worried, I wonder, but I don't say anything yet.
Rorlund asks me to continue doing good deeds for Skyrim the way I have been. I may identify as a Breton, but with my mother a Nord, I still have a strong connection to this country, and with a new war threatening, there's a lot I can help with.
How does he know my mother was a Nord? Well, never mind, I suppose a priest of as many as eight gods (and maybe secretly even nine) ends up knowing great many things. So I keep my mouth shut.
My job is not to physically fight the Aldmeri army, he says. That's the duty of the people of Skyrim themselves. I ought to focus on doing things I can and other people can't.
That's all he says. I don't need to ask anything. I understand perfectly what he's talking about.

Walking towards the exit, I see Rorlund's other assistant, Freir. It occurs to me to ask her if I ought to leave a donation to the temple or something.
She says money is unimportant. I ought to do my part in keeping this fragile peace and preventing a new war.
Got it. Take care.

The sun in the blue sky has brought playing children onto the streets.

Me and my followers, we leave for Dånstar. For that, we'll need to cross the bay, as always. I have decided that this time we'll find that damned boat that's supposed to be transporting people between the harbor and the eastern bank. It's a real bitch to get to, but eventually we've reached it and are brought across the bay to that suburb of shacks. While in the boat, my thoughts wander to the ghost girl Tyllia in Blackreach and the horrible corpse of that man in that eerie dungeon beneath the Winterhold College and his unspeakably creepy diary. I decide there's no point for me to try and get to the bottom of that affair. I put it out of my mind.

We run to the east towards the Pale Imperial Camp without visiting Morthal. We do, however, notice some of those robust birdhead statues on a hill near the coast north-northeast of Morthal:

I feel like checking it out and the hill seems reasonably convenient to ascend.

As was to be expected, it's an ancient Nordic ruin, one with those massive stone arches.

It's called High Gate Ruins. None of us has ever heard of it. In front of the entrance, a couple of dead draugrs lie in the snow.

I ask Valdimar if we should go inside. He says: "Laura, you look like you're missing some old-fashioned dungeon-exploring."

He's right, you know! We'll go in.

With utmost care, we sneak through a small entrance hall and maybe a few dozen meters of winding passage, and detect someone who seems to be not hostile. It's a woman with a rather skimpy armor who introduces herself as Anska. She says down those ruins is a crypt of someone called Vokun which is supposed to contain a scroll she's looking for.

She has to get it no matter what, but she's too afraid to go against all those draugrs and she's too afraid to go back home with the job undone.

Doesn't seem very noble to me, a family who would send a woman on a mission like this. Anska explains there's a legend that says should a man approach, the undead Vokun will rise up, yet only a woman can permakill him.

Is she kidding me? Well, no matter. We are here and there's no point in discussing what makes sense and what doesn't. Let's go check this place out.

Well, there are many draugrs (the yellow silhouette in the above picture is one of them) and they don't care if you're male or female. Most can be shot dead from a distance, some come alive only when we're close by, none react to Dwarven Spheres I conjure with my Aetherial Staff, and some let us even walk past without bothering us at all.

There's a puzzle with four levers which need to be operated in a correct way in order to open a gate. We finally get it right thanks to Anska who finds a hint to the solution.

I am most proud of being attentive enough to walk past all the floor traps. Everything is just exciting enough and just scary enough to make this a thoroughly worthwile adventure.
high stone dungeon, protagonist aims bow at a draugr with glowing eyes about to come though a doorway
That one is not just any old deathlord, but a  Draugr Death Overlord!

As the clock approaches midnight with neither sleeping facilities nor the end of the dungeon in sight, I begin to wonder how I'm going to fulfill my promise to Valdimar, but then I realize he's the one who will want his dick sucked, so it's not me who has to worry about it.

And then we open a door to a large sinister hall with a big coffin at the far end from which something haggard rises up and floats in the air. At first glance it looks like a dragon priest. We waste no time killing it. And then we find the scroll Anska wanted.

I believe to faintly hear the characteristical sound of a word wall. Indeed, there's a passage that leads to another weirdly-shaped hall, and there's one of those concave walls with glowing foreign characters.

Valdimar looks at me meaningfully. Yeah, you're presence of mind is remarkable. Girls, would you mind?

Lydia and Jordis take Anska out of sight and I kneel before Valdimar and have my mouth filled with his warm masculinity at the same time ancient magic fills my mind with yet another dragon shout.

I must say, a liquid from a man's penis making an actual human child grow inside of you is incomparably more miraculous than this word wall thing, when you really stop to think about it. (Of course, we're not making a baby here, I was just talking about the general principle of what sperm in your vagina can bring about.)

Then we walk up the stairs to Lydia and Jordis. I have little doubt they kept peeking at us from time to time – just to make sure we're not being attacked.  ;-)

We exit the dungeon and invite Anska to run with us to the imp camp if she wants to. She accepts gladly.

It's past four in the morning (still very dark) by the time we arrive. The Imperial soldiers are kind enough to allow us to sleep in their tents.

next awakening

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