
I Will Remember

This epilogue is not part of my actual game, but it lists a number of NPCs and such, so it may be considered a mild spoiler..

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4-202-06-09 18:18
Solitud, Haafingar, Skyrim

I am standing on the square in the eastern suburb near Marion's House and the Imperial Garrison, with Sybille and Falk to my right, Lydia and Yrsarald to my left and Lucia and Sofie in front of me. Other than most other women, I'm wearing an armor today, although not a helmet. Behind and to the right of us are many masts, including those of the five ships that are going to take me to a dangerous journey westwards.

Elisif, the local jarl, has spoken the last farewell words. In a few minutes, I will board a ship home. My real home. We will hopefully be able to make a stop in Farrun, the nearest major Highrockian port on our route, and then in Northpoint further west. By then we should know enough about the situation to decide if we ought to proceed to Camlorn by ship or travel over land via Shornhelm. The distance from Solitud to Farrun is almost twice that between Windhelm and Ravenrock, but hopefully we can be there by the morning after tomorrow.
Why spend two nights rather than leave in the morning and arrive in the next evening, you may ask. That is because we want to be in the stormiest section of the sea at daytime.

After that cathartic conversation with Jordis, I've been taking it easy for three weeks. My followers were in complete agreement with me that we have done our fair share and then some. Apart from which, we were hardly going to achieve anything fundamental anymore.

That's why we've been mostly chilling in Hviterun, but we also traveled to Windhelm where I introduced Lucia and Sofie who bonded immediately, both of them street kids with their parents dead. We all went to the Folkvangr island, children and followers, then returned west via Hviterun and Blackmoor, and visited Jordis's parents in Dragonbridge, staying strictly out of trouble along the way. The main roads are practically safe now with the war over, and the few highway robbers we encountered actually ran away as soon as they recognized us.

As I told you I would, I divided 3/4 of my money between all my past followers:
Lydia Soransdotter     270 days         2 722 927 septims
Jenassa Vadensdotter Arobar     251 days         2 538 157 septims
Jordis Wiljarsdotter     178 days         1 828 251 septims
Rayya Provlithsdotter Werzhan       47 days     eternal loving memory
            and gratitude
Borgakh Laraksdotter gra-Khazgur       22 days            311 192 septims
Valdimar Harenson       11 days            204 220 septims
Ghorbash Zugnorsson gro-Dushnikh       10 days            194 495 septims
Mikki Ingmansdotter         8 days            175 045 septims
Vera Ingmansdotter         6 days            155 596 septims
Heidi Ingmansdotter         4 days            136 146 septims
Lorm Jurgansson         4 days            136 146 septims
Erik Mralkisson         2 days            116 697 septims
Vorstag Fenrarsson         2 days            116 697 septims
Kharjo Ombarsson Zavandi         1 day     eternal loving memory
            and gratitude
In case you want to know how the amounts have been calculated: each person's share is proportional to the number of days he ran with me plus 10. Who served me, say, 2 days, will get money for 12 days, who served me for 200 days, will get money for 210 days. Thereby, every past follower who is still alive gets at least a hundred thousand septims as a sign of my gratitude to him for being available when I needed him.

I also told Lydia, Jenassa and Jordis to divide up my houses between them, and if they couldn't come to an agreement, Valdimar would be the referee. They ended up with this deal:
Lucia gets my house in Hviterun. Carlotta is going to look after her.
Sofie gets my house in Windhelm. Yrsarald is going to look after her.
Lydia gets my houses in Riften, Granite Hall, Elisdriel and Amber Creek.
Jenassa gets my houses in Winterhold, Sunguard City and Ravenrock.
Jordis gets my houses in Solitud, Markarth and Aurora.
My houses in Lillandril and Manor Keep will have to be taken care of by the local personnel until the times change.
I couldn't let anyone have the Arch-Mage's Quarters in Winterhold, because that's not my property.
The above is only formal ownership. All my past followers will be allowed to use any of those houses whenever needed.

We threw a magnificent birthday party for Lydia in Hviterun which was also a party to celebrate all our achievements. I persuaded Farengar to do another show of fireworks.
Jenassa found a private moment to tell me I have given her a whole new outlook on life. I couldn't imagine how I might have done that, but of course I kept quiet and refrained from ruining this touching moment of joy and gratitude. The point is, Jenassa promised me that when I return to Skyrim eventually, she'll tell me everything I want to hear about her past life – on the condition that I promise not to tell anyone else. I was happy to promise that. We held each other for a while with tears in our eyes, then composed ourselves and returned to the celebration.

That was on the 6th of this month. On the 7th, we had a modest afterparty and rested, as well as received guests from the eastern part of Skyrim who would travel to Solitud with us. We went there on the 8th and had a large formal ceremony in the palace. Today at noon, the restored shrine of Talos was consecrated in the Temple of the Divines. And this afternoon, the last short speeches and many farewell hugs at the harbor.

They're all here today: Lydia with Bjarne, Jenassa with Nelacar, Jordis with Hreinn and her parents and brothers; Borgakh with Lerguk; Mikki, Vera and Heidi with their boyfriends; Valdimar and Erik, naturally, and some more people from Hviterun; also all the jarls with their bodyguards, but not the stewards who are at home keeping order. Lydia asked Maul not to come, but Lorm is here, as is Hadvar. I consulted Yrsarald about this and he told me he's a big boy and he understands I didn't sit and wait for him all this time.
Hert is here with Hern, and Ertzebet with a small delegation from the College (including Drevis), and even Fanari has traveled all the way from Solstheim with his boyfriend Tharstan, along with Veleth and Dreyla who seem to have gotten some important things cleared between them. They came with Yrsarald and his soldiers. Erandur has taken a break from his solitude in the former temple of Vaermina to come and say goodbye. I'm seeing him in a lively conversation with Thorald and Avulstein Gray-Mane who can now walk around openly without having to fear arrest. Most touchingly, Lynly has taken Fastred on a journey practically to the other end of Skyrim, a peasant girl who always dreamed of adventure. They have the intrepid Klimmek and the ever-optimistic Gwilin with them.
I'm particularly flattered because the Count of Bruma was able to spare Viscount Marcius in the midst of war preparations. He has taken Afanna with him. She hugs me and thanks me for "everything". I'm so happy she has forgiven me, and I won't mention Razzada.
There's no one from Summerset. But Wulf and Svea have made the ship journey from Falskaar via Dånstar. She brought me a letter from Helena and another one from Jalma. Helena is most unhappy that her husband wouldn't let her take the risk of traveling all the way to northwestern Skyrim. Jalma in turn informs me that I shall always be welcome to visit, never mind those stupid warriors. And she promises to take good care of my house. And Svea tells me Oudin is not really angry with me. She herself confesses she's in love with Gabrial... but I really shouldn't bother you with something like that today.
Unsurprisingly, there are great many local inhabitants. In spite of the fading light, I believe to see the head of the petite bard Lisette next to the shoulder of General Tullius, but most of the simpler folks have to settle for competing for space farther on the street and the stairs.

Here are some pictures from earlier today, the informal part of today's event.

Laura and Lucia in the rays of the morning sun, Solitud harbor with shipmasts below, Blue Palace ahead
My stepdaughter Lucia of Hviterun and I have arrived early.

Lynly and Faleen sit on a bench, a shipmast and some birds ahead, blue sky
The bard Lynly of Ivarsted and the housecarl Faleen of Markarth.

close-up of Hadvar standing, shipmasts ahead, spruce forest in distance, partially cloudy sky
My first Skyrim boyfriend Hadvar of Riverwood who untied my hands
and helped me escape Helgen when the dragon Alduin attacked.

a dozen people on a small paved square, Laura in the middle, wide stone upward staircase on the left
I in conversation with Falk, Lerguk and Thaena.

man with red hair sits on a bench eyeing a woman in a dark hooded robe standing somewhat away
Jarl Korir of Winterhold seemed to like the court wizard Sybille of Solitud.  :-)

a gray-haired man, a bald man and an Argonian man sit on a bench looking at the gathering ahead of them
Sitting from left: Jarl Igmund of Markarth, housecarl Jod of Dånstar, housecarl Teeba-Ei of Morthal.
Note my ex-follower Jenassa of Hviterun with her boyfriend Nelacar of Winterhold in the middle.
Jarl Korir is reading the guestbook of the Blue Palace brought here for this occasion.
Lucia is standing between my ex-follower Vorstag of Markarth (who is looking at Jarl Laila of Riften) and Lorm of Aurora.

man in the robe of a priest of Mara talks to a brown-haired man in front of two small market stalls
My very special friend Erandur, a priest of Mara, in conversation with Viscount Marcius of Bruma.

an almost entirely bald man in fine clothes poses in the Solitud harbor with the Blue Palace visible
The historian Tharstan, currently (and apparently for some time to come) residing in Skaal.

a tall elven woman and a human woman with a dark red hood pose in front of a small house
Dreyla and Fanari who have come all the way from Solstheim.

Sofie and Laura look away towards the ships, a couple of birds are lighted by the rays of the setting sun
Admiring the ships with my stepdaughter Sofie of Windhelm.

an oldish important-looking man and a little girl in a green dress pose in front of a wooden house
Lucia is having a great time mingling with the guests. Here she poses with Jarl Igmund.

Laura stands facing Cairine ta the corner of a wooden house, a large crowd on the right, sun is setting
I'm so glad Cairine, formerly of Markarth, has healed enough to have come from Hviterun to see me off.
Note Thorald Gray-Mane of Hviterun, a liberated thalmor prisoner, in the foreground on the right.
He is looking at Lynly and Fastred of Ivarsted. The man next to them is Klimmek of Ivarsted. My friend Afanna of Bruma
is farther in the crowd with her boyfriend Marcius. Near them stand Tolfdir of Winterhold and Svea of Amber Creek.

evening, a little girl is looking at a woman in a hooded robe, an Argonian man and a human nobleman
Sybille, Teeba-Ei and the steward Falk of Solitud in conversation with Lucia listening in.

almost night, Laura stands in the middle of several friends, a wide stone upward staircase ahead
I in conversation with my ex-followers Borgakh of Mor Khazgur and Mikki of Hviterun.
Next to Borgakh stands her boyfriend Lerguk of Hviterun.
Looking over Mikki's shoulder is my ex-follower Lydia of Hviterun.
Behind me stand Nelacar, and Hreinn of Markarth who is my ex-follower Jordis's boyfriend.

* * *

I hug Yrsarald and Lydia and my stepchildren one last time and embark the biggest of the five ships, supported by Falk and Sybille because I can barely see though the veil of tears. Sybille is coming along to warn against approaching storms and pirates, as well as sound out the rulers of High Rock about a possible military union against the Aldmeri Dominion. High Rock is a part of the Empire on paper only. Falk will be the main negotiator, though, because the people might not trust a vampire. We shall also be looking for ways to enliven the trade between High Rock and Skyrim, and I hope I can help through my family to find out what the obstacles are and what can be done about them.

During the journey, we'll be relying mostly on Sybille's cognizance for protection, but the soldiers on the four other ships could come handy too if everything else fails. My friends will have to stay behind in Skyrim, because I can't risk their lives. It's not for nothing we have no sea trade with High Rock. Erandur has assured me that the goddess Mara will help me arrive alive, but it's uncertain if I will ever be able to return. By ship, that is. Of course there are no storms along the land route through Hammerfell.

As I told you, I promised to come back by 24/11, which is Jordis's birthday. It'll be close, because 19/11 is my own birthday. I even suggested I'll have my birthday in Skyrim, but Jordis insisted I mustn't. After all, I'll be 25, and that's a holiday one has to spend with family. I agreed and told her if I don't make it by the 24th, she'll have to go on partying until I arrive. Jordis agreed amusedly. We're not entirely serious about this, but the girls and I are very excited looking forward to meeting again in a little more than five months. And who knows, maybe we'll even find a way to exchange messages in the meantime. One message at the very least, because the ships will return home in due time without waiting for me.

And I'm not as naive as you maybe think I am. I asked Runil, Jora, Tolfdir and Erandur if I can trust Sybille, and they all told me I can.

That's it. The story of Laura the Dragonborn is over. Citizen Laura Perardsdotter Masierri is leaving Skyrim. Thank you all for accompanying me on this amazing adventure and may the gods watch over you.

T H E   E N D