
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (248) Get Naughty

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-04-24 05:52
Vlindrel Hall, Markarth, The Reach, Skyrim

Big and luxurious as our house may be, we still have to use the bath at the inn. I don't mind. It's so beautiful.

The weather is not. It's about as depressing as it can get outside of Skyrim's northern regions. The sky looks like it's going to fall down and suffocate us any moment.
paved road goes past a horse-drawn cart and bends left, a little foggy, many dark clouds in the sky
Northeastern High Rock is behind us, beyond the city and the mountains.
Somehow I'm having a vague feeling that this is what the typical weather is like there.
Nevertheless, I would go there right now if I could.

The Naked Dragon Markarth is exactly at the crossing where we would have to turn right towards Dushikh Yal. It suddenly occurs to me that we have a legitimate excuse for actually entering the brothel – to search for possible traces of the Silver-Blood criminals.

My followers agree eagerly. (Well, Lydia and Jordis do.)

We are met by a doorman with a strange air of authority. His status is clearly higher than that of a mere servant. Maybe he sleeps with the proprietress? But that is hardly important, is it? He assures me they are not harboring any Silver-Blood fugitives.

I tell him we are going to take a look ourselves, and does he think he can stop us?

"Far be it from me," he replies. "As a matter of fact, I won't mind if you decide to stick around a little longer."

I can't help casting my eyes down and smiling with embarrassment. "Come on, girls." We enter.

This place is very beautiful, and not too dim. And the girls' outfits are incredible. They make Sylwia's slutty dress seem like a nun's robe. I can't imagine wearing anything like that even alone at home. You may ask how it can possibly feel worse than wearing nothing. I can't really explain it, and I admit the men may see it differently, but to me those so-called clothes look more exposing and inviting than outright nudity.

This is the most expensive brothel in the Naked Dragon franchise, but its base fee (150 septims) is still lower than in the Solitud Public Bathhouse (200 S). For comparison: the elven streetwalker Llaala in Windhelm charges 50 S, Lavinia in Riften is 100 S, Ma' Rasa of Lillandril is 150 S (those as base fees, meaning one vaginal intercourse) and Aija in the Morthal Bathhouse is 300 S regardless of hole.

I have told my followers we're going to keep our helmets on to avoid possible misunderstandings. The working girls are mostly indifferent to our presence, some are friendly (as is the male personnel) and one of the prostitutes looks at us with hostility.

We also get to see a few of the private rooms upstairs. They are roomy and true to the architectural style of this building.

There are magnificent tapestries both in the rooms and in the corridors.

I'd love to spend some time here just for the ambience's sake, but of course they don't serve women. Not in Skyrim. Without getting a prostitute's license, looking is all we can do here.

Soon we are running uphill towards the nice Orc village.

You'll be glad to hear that everything is peaceful as usual in Dushnikh Yal. We get the training we came here for. I notice (or rather am reminded) that a few women are really good-looking here, almost as pretty as Atul.

After some walking around, we leave the village and head northeast. A few minutes after noon, we reach the shrine of Dibella halfway to Granite Hall.

The girls ask if we can sit here together. Yeah, why not. We find places where we don't see each other and let our thoughts wander.

The weather is still gloomy, but this place is wonderfully soothing. I think about Yrsarald and beg Dibella to protect him. I don't know if it's in her field of competence, but this is her shrine.

A couple of hours later, we run past Granite Hall and turn right at the Little Northkeep Intersection. At the point where the road bends left towards the town, I feel adventurous and decide to turn right instead, to the west.

We haven't really been in this area between Northkeep and the high mountains beyond which is that extensive forn place. Wandering around between the hills, we encounter a mage who attacks us with fire magic. Turns out she was trying to guard the entrance to a cave called Glenmoril Coven.

Now, this is a strange place. It's inhabited by female mages called Hags, but that label is grossly inappropriate considering how good-looking they are. That is not the most peculiar thing here. You know I've told you of several places where mages torture people and even display their dead bodies on spikes. Here, they have been doing all those things to goats. There are goat heads on spikes here and there, and a couple of elks for good measure.

Strictly speaking, we didn't have to kill all those mages, but then again their sentry attacked us unprovoked. Lacking a better excuse, this'll have to do.

Now, it's going to be dark in a couple of hours. Should we go to Northkeep or Falkert?
map of southern Skyrim with roads marked as well as placenames from Pinewood to Riverwood
I've also marked the roads on this map, so you can get an idea how convenient or not it is to get from one place to another.
FYI, the forests south of Northkeep and west of Falkert are easily passable. The area in the center of the map is anything but.

We're headed for Bruma, so Falkert would be ideal, but Northkeep is kind of nice place with nice people. Not that Falkert isn't. For a moment, I'm thinking of Aurora, but I'm sure the girls would insist it's not a good idea and I could hardly deny it isn't.

We'll go to Falkert for the night then.

On our way down the mountains, we discover a tower ruin. There's nothing worth discovering, really, but the view from the top is nice.

Wait, what are those tents a little way to the north? Looks like a military camp.

We run there and indeed, it's Falkreath Imperial Camp. Wow.

Now we're so close to Northkeep already that it would make little sense to travel to Falkert in darkness. We'd better idle away the rest of the evening in Northkeep.

After a few hours of sitting at the inn and gossiping with the locals, we go upstairs to sleep.

next awakening

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