This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-01-22 02:10
Falskaar Docks – Dånstar ship, off the coast of The Pale, Skyrim
The wind has been favorable and we arrive somewhat earlier than Wulf expected. The town is fast asleep, with the exception of that route-boat man and a friend of his who are sitting at their fireplace and probably talking about some past adventures, or possibly the prices of swords in Solitud. Aside of them, there are of course the guards patrolling the streets. And possibly some people at the inn. But generally, I think we can presume most of the population to sleep peacefully without nightmares.
I think that rather than going to High Hrothgar or returning to Summerset, we'll travel to Solitud and take that boat that is supposed to sail to some islands further west. Maybe it'll sail as far as High Rock. Then I'll get to see what it's like and maybe that will help my memory return sooner. Apart from which, I'm simply very curious about that region. And, to change the subject, I'm getting rather sure of wanting to return to Falskaar one day, if for no other reason than because I can't stand the thought of never seeing my lovely house again.
I guess we'll stay in Dånstar until the shops open in the morning. Any objections, Lydia? She smiles coyly and the rest of us laugh. We walk together to the barracks. Jenassa and Jordis head for the inn and I go to wake up Gregor.
I make him lick me down there, and after I've had an orgasm, we do the 69. His long and hard dick is so delightful. At this moment I have the feeling it's the most beautiful thing in the world.
I lick and suck it eagerly. When I feel I'm approaching the climax again, I let him out of my mouth and move it with just my hand. I feel ecstatic watching how the tip gets covered with the foreskin, then bared as my hand moves down, then hides in the foreskin again. I get his sperm all over my face and breasts. Afterwards, I turn around and kiss Gregor and frantically rub my body against his. I'm in heaven. Gregor, however, seems disappointed that I let it out of my mouth and finished him off with my hand instead.
I go to wash myself and by then it's daylight and the shops are open. After my shopping round, I summon the girls. Approaching the town gate, I'm delighted to see that the Khajiit Ahkari's caravan is there. Then we hear a dragon. He's taking his time outside the actual town. I succeed in climbing onto some rocks and then up to the defense wall on the western side. The dragon is attacking someone whom I can't see properly behind the trees. Don't tell me it's a giant. I kill the dragon and yes, his enemy is indeed a giant. Amusingly, he's chasing a snowtroll. I can't believe how tiny a troll looks next to a giant.

I'm not going to shoot it, of course. Just being prepared to take on any sudden attackers. Such as another dragon.
The giant thinks I'm hostile too, but he gives preference to running after the escaping troll. A wise choice, if I may say so. I hurry back to Ahkari's tent. By the time I've done trading and go to get my dragonsoul from the corpse, the giant is nowhere to be seen.
We visit the Pale Imperial Camp next. Uncautiously, we run past the bandit camp too close. They shout excitedly and run towards us with obvious intentions, but we are able to leave them behind, or maybe they don't dare come too close to the imp camp. I quickly trade with the quartermaster and then we run to Stonehills. Another quick trading stop, and we're on our way to Morthal.
We run past a battle without paying much attention.
Suddenly I hear a typical thalmor voice. I thought the battle was between imps and storks, but if there are thalmors here, we ought to go and kill some.
We sneak closer. It's difficult with people moving around so fast, but I can indeed spot a thalmor. I also see an imp, so it's not just thalmors and storks. I take a shot at the thalmor. (The thought that this could make imps hostile doesn't occur to me until much later.) The hit fails to kill the thalmor, so I take another shot and hit a stork instead. That brings me back to my senses. I put my bow away and signal to my followers to get out of here quickly. The last thing we need is to make the storks our enemies.
We arrive in Morthal without further incidents. The weather is somber – almost no snowfall, but cloudy and cold. I spend a couple of hours shopping. We have plenty of time to reach Dragonbridge and do some shopping there as well and maybe do a couple of quests nearby.
Then I run into Legate Taurinus. He takes my breath away. I mean, figuratively speaking. He's just as attractive as ever. Or not really as much attractive as powerful. Masculine. I can't explain it. I just want him right now, even thoughp I'm aware it will mess up my plans for today and I had sex less than twelve hours ago. I don't care about anything. I want this man.
I step up to him, say something too silly to repeat here, and he accompanies me to my house.
He's great. Not unusually remarkable in any way, and some may say a little too old for me, but I don't mind. He's a good manly man and I'm very happy.
Now I head for Dragonbridge with the girls. We'll be too late for the shops, but I prefer to look at the bright side, which means the lovely snow-covered trees on both sides of the sunlit road.
We see some nice animals along the way:
Soon we're past the brothel on the riverbank and approaching Fort Snowhawk which we some time ago cleared of mages who were doing evil experiments. I'm curious to see if another battle awaits us. No, nothing of the sort. The fortress has been taken over by the Imperial Army. The people traveling along this important road are going to be safe from now on.
We go to the courtyard to exchange some friendly hellos with the soldiers and possibly find out if there are any exciting news. Then we move on.
A patrol of thalmors who pay no attention to us, some more animals who run away when they see us approach, and by 7 o'clock in the evening we're in the cozy friendly village of Dragonbridge.
We take a little rest at the campfire and chat with Ygfa whose house is right next to the marketplace (on the left side just over the edge of the picture).
She doesn't give a slightest sign of knowing about Athragar and me, so it seems he is really keeping his promise to not tell anyone.
I'm not sure if I should ask Ygfa how Eydis and Etienne are getting along, but she tells us of her own accord that they went traveling.
Me and my followers go to say a quick hello to Jordis's parents and then hurry northwest to take care of two quests nearby. It'll be dark soon, but the terrain shouldn't be too difficult and this is a welcome opportunity to try out various light-giving items I've picked up during the recent weeks.
Our first task is to find the last stolen thing left by M-whatshisname for his accomplice Reginald. It's supposed to be on an island in the small lake just across the mountains that are west of the Dragonbridge–Solitud highway.
It's practically dark by the time we arrive. I see what looks like a spriggan on the island and kill it.
Then I swim over ahead of my followers (with an island as small as this, it's better to have your followers on the shore with their bows ready, keeping an eye on your surroundings) and kill two more spriggans. Strangely enough, an elk attacks me and I have to kill it too. Then I find the gem left by... er... Montaigu was his name, I remember now.
A little way to the south-southwest is Pinemoon Cave where we've already been once in the past. This time, we need to retrieve a staff Enthir wants. There are a few vampires to kill, and I get a little uncautious, but we don't have any real trouble.
The staff we came here for is called Grand Staff of Charming. It makes weaker creatures give up fighting and it's worth over two thousand septims. Very overpriced if you ask me, but maybe it's very rare and is therefore sought after by collectioners. At any rate, I shall bring it to Enthir who will then give me the amulet that used to be Onmund's. Then I can see what it does and decide whether or not I want to return it to Onmund.
Outside, it's uncomfortably dark for crossing mountains which we'll need to do in order to get to Solitud. So I put on, one after another, the Ring of Light, another ring called Left Eye of Coldharbour, and the Circlet of Night Eye.
The last one is clearly the best, so I keep it on as we head northeast. Its effect makes the moon look rather unusual:
With the aid of the circlet, we reach the road to Solitud and descend to the Haafingar Stormcloak Camp on the coast. After trading with the quartermaster, we run to Solitud.
I let my followers go ahead to our house while I make a detour by the castle hoping to find my Hadvar.
He is indeed there and so we go together to my place. It's so good to be with Hadvar again. I realize we've made love only twice before tonight. Somehow we haven't met for over three months!
next awakening
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