This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-03-22 11:52
Jerall View Inn, Bruma, Bruma County, Cyrodiil

The proprietor Stantus is sweeping the floor while his wife Hjotra is working at the baking oven
and the serving girl Lassinia is wiping the counter and providing eye-candy to the customers.
and the serving girl Lassinia is wiping the counter and providing eye-candy to the customers.
I make small talk with Stantus and then mention casually that I met a strange mage Razzada and does he know him. Stantus grows visibly irritated and tells me Razzada sold him something called Pleasure Candles. It's not what you may be thinking. They were actual candles meant to be lit. They were supposed to emit a scent that would make the customers feel good at his inn. In reality, they did the opposite and in fact made it very hard to breathe. As far as Stantus is concerned, Razzada ought to be chased out of the city, but the authorities ignored his complaint and he doesn't know what else to do. Seems like someone powerful is protecting Razzada.
Stantus goes on to state that it's completely beyond him, firstly, how that bungling fool could be of any use to anyone and, secondly, in case Razzada is indeed friendly with someone powerful, why is he then living in such poor conditions and has to peddle his wares on the street. Anyway, he has just put that jerk out of his mind.
Yeah, and I guess I'm not going to bring up the topic of the payment Razzada believes he is owed. I go out with my followers instead. I ask Lydia if she wasn't with her boyfriend Ambric yesterday. She says he had to sing at a party in the palace, so they just had a quick shag. In fact, she went to the party too, but the people were very boring and haughty, so she left soon.
As for Razzada, Lydia suggests that even a bungling fool can be useful to someone female in the palace, and maybe she won't let him live there because she doesn't want the whole world to know about such an unworthy relationship. We agree it's a real possibility.
We do a little shopping and socializing and general walking around, the four of us, and then head southeast to find and destroy those bandits who want to kill our new friend Ovacca.
We find them in the location Ovacca gave us – humans and wolf-like animals. We approach across rocky hills, but I'm too uncautious and make a noise. The bandits' sentry spots me and starts shooting.
In less than a minute, the others turn up. We still win without much effort, but I'm not pleased with my carelessness.
Just like Ovacca warned us, those animals are big dogs. They never had a chance with us up on that rocky hill:
We cross back to the western riverbank. We'll proceed northwards – to tell Ungveir he can return to Skyrim, and to destroy those unspeakable horrors that haunt the Imperial garrison at Fort Pale Pass. Strictly speaking, we'll be passing by Bruma quite near, but we won't waste time on going to the city and meeting Ovacca. Another day or two of anxious waiting won't kill her.
The weather is beautiful and we make a stop at the statue of The Sentinel to take some pictures, but quite frankly I find those elks prettier than him:
Ungveir is supposed to be hiding in Serpent's Trail. Indeed, when we enter and I shout his name, he shouts back and arrives quickly. I tell him I didn't learn anything new from the Imperial secret agent in Bruma and he'd better return to Skyrim, because I am going to stay in Bruma for a few more days at least. Then I give the girls a sign to go out. Stepping closer to Ungveir, I put my hand on his arm, raise my head and look him in the eye and tell him it was very cold in the citadel yesterday, but this place is much warmer, as well as romantically dim. He takes the hint and hugs me, and then we kiss, and then we make love standing up.
Quite frankly, it was a mistake. Physically speaking, I'm quite enjoying myself, that is until Ungveir comes shortly after I have. His orgasm is over in a second or two and he seems to be trying to prolong it, moving himself inside me, but then he's already so soft that he slips out of me, yet he continues to furiously squeeze my breasts so that it actually hurts. Jenassa has told me that some men's ejaculations are extremely brief and that's why they don't really get much pleasure out of sex, but they think it's the woman's fault and may actually be angry with you afterwards. Ungveir is evidently that kind of man. Without a word, he puts on his clothes quickly and leaves without even looking at me. It's awful. He makes me feel like a roadside prostitute.
Why did I even do it? I guess it's not a good idea to go without sex for ten days.
The girls try to console me by saying maybe he felt guilty because he had allowed himself to be lured into being unfaithful to his bride. Yeah, whatever. It's getting dark outside. This seems to be the perfect time to go and take care of that Fort Pale Pass business and spend the night in the friendly Snowstone Rest.
When we run past the citadel where I first met Ungveir and look back in the direction we came from (see picture above), the beautiful stars in the sky improve my mood somewhat. Those supposed Akaviri ruins (a large system of icy stone caves with much rubble everywhere) are, however, somewhat of a disappointment. I mean, there's nothing like an exciting challenge. All we encounter are quite common poison spiders.
What a pussy Precilius is! First his constant whining about the cold weather and now this! But I'm not going to tell him how easy this mission was. I just report matter-of-factly that we took care of the task, and he thanks us profusely and tells us to feel free to ask him for a return favor anytime.
It's pitch dark outside. If we didn't know the road so well, we wouldn have little chance of reaching the inn without a lighting ring or such.
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