
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (61) This Is Not about Loot

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

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4-201-10-17 07:46
Silver-Blood Inn, Morpork, The Reach, Skyrim

The Silver-Blood Inn is expensive, but it has a splendid bath.

The market stalls and shops are still abandoned. I can't understand what's going on. We don't have all that much loot to sell, but it's still annoying. Well, doesn't look like we can do anything about it, so we just head for Karthwasten. Let's take a look at that child and talk to her and her parents. And maybe we can hunt some forns along the way.

We make a brief stop at a farm on the outskirts of the city. An old man Rogatus Salvius tells us that his son is a "damn drunk" who lives in Old Hroldan and would I bring him a letter that says what a failure he is?

No, you spiteful gaffer. You'd make anyone a drunkard. I'm happy your son has finally a chance to have a life of his own. Hopefully he'll be able to get over you and then he'll no longer feel the need to get drunk.

We run on and turn left before the river. A little further north, I spot hostile-looking men in the distance. We succeed in killing them before they can get close. They were forns.

There's a small house nearby. It's called Pavo's House. I pick the lock. There's no one inside. I've no idea who Pavo is.

We notice there's a mine a little further uphill. We go check it out. Maybe we can kill some more of those animals.

It's called Kolskeggr and it's a gold mine. There are indeed half a dozen forns in there. They put up a bit more of a fight, but all in all it's not too difficult. The mine is quite big.

A little further to the north, there's a Blind Cliff Cave right on the roadside.

Normally I would just ignore it, but since we're forn-hunting, we shall check it out.

This is a tough one, a huge cavern with stairs leading to a couple of towers above ground. It has places with very bad light and places with very bad darkness and places where you can see that the enemy is in front and above you quite near, but you just can't find a way up there. Most of the forns are very strong. We kill several from the distance, but those who manage to get close are quite dangerous.

Eventually they're all dead and we're all alive.

It's evening by the time we arrive in Karthwasten and the shop has already closed. We ask around about a little girl and find out that one such was kidnapped by the forns. Apparently they didn't destroy or steal anything – just snatched the girl and left. Looks very much like that's the one we need.

Broken Tower Redoubt is a forn stronghold not far from here across the river. We shall begin our search there, the first thing tomorrow morning.

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