
How to prevent your rapees from screaming "yes"

No spoilers. This article describes a very annoying bug in the mod SexLab Defeat   and what you can do about it.

I have written on several occasions how I admire the amazing sex system created by SexLab Framework and Defeat which provide the user with an incredibly realistic, exhilarating sex experience that makes Skyrim a whole new game.

There is, however, one bug that is very annoying: raped women screaming "yes". The probability of this occurring increases with the duration of the sex act and your level. SexLab seems to think that the higher your overall Skyrim level, the more inclined women are to like you. So it increases the probability of women expressing pleasure during sex, and Defeat fails to correct it. The result is that with your level somewhere in the 50s, a significant percentage of the women you rape begin to scream, I mean really scream "yes" in the final stage of sex. It's unacceptably unrealistic. With possible rare exceptions, women don't enjoy getting raped.

There are several ways to alleviate the problem, none of them quite satisfactory:
1. Reset your sex stats occasionally. SexLab thinks that the more sex you've had, the better your sex skills, and so the more women will enjoy being fucked by you. Unfortunately, when your overall Skyrim level is high enough, your general coolness is already so high that you can reset your stats after each sex act and SexLab stills makes women (regardless of relationshiprank ) consider it an honor to be raped by you.
2. Cut your sex acts short. Needless to say, that would greatly diminish your enjoyment.
3. Switch to one of the blowjob animations. With your penis in her mouth, the woman won't be able to scream. However, I don't want to be thus limited in my choices. It is particularly dissatisfying to have to begin pressing O  and looking for another animation when already in the ejaculation stage.

This utterly nonsensical behavior of my rapees increasingly destroyed my pleasure of sex to the point where I just paused my game, started to search for a solution and wouldn't stop searching until I had found it

It was not easy. I initially presumed that the sex sounds were coded as the so-called phonemes which you can see in MCM > SexLab > Expression Editor. But there are so many variations with different phonemes used by different expressions, and different expression themselves being used in different roles, that one can go crazy trying to understand it. Apart from which, there is no obvious way of telling which phoneme corresponds to which sound. I searched the web for the phoneme symbols. Unfortunately, the information as to their meaning, or where and how they are stored, is just nowhere to be found.

However, the little information that was there gave me the reason to suspect that the phonemes were actually used by the vanilla game as well (don't ask me for what purpose) and had nothing to do with sex sounds. If so, I can't imagine what they are doing in the SexLab MCM. But that's neither here nor there.

I finally found a forum post that said that sex sounds were actually stored as wav  files. I found it hard to believe that anything in Skyrim would use a common file format, but I checked just in case, and it turned out to be true. I found the sex sounds among the files of the SexLab Framework mod, under Sound\fx\SexLab, and they are indeed regular wav  files. There is a number of soft moans "yeah", but I don't think I have ever heard those during rape. The coarse screams "yes" are in the subdirectory vFemaleMoan07\hot . I made backups of the two offending files and then overwrote them with normal sex moans. (Meaning, created copies of two acceptable sound files, giving the copies the names of the two offending files.)

That fixed the problem.

[originally published 2017-08-07]

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